Seventh Sunday of Easter

Intro:  Today's first reading concentrates on Mary and the apostles gathered together in continuous prayer after the ascension, while the Gospel is part of the great priestly prayer of Jesus at the last Supper for His apostles.

Readings: In this reading from Acts, the community is gathered together in prayerful expectation, as it awaits the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Peter asks some of the early Christians not to be put off or disheartened by the hostility of others; instead, it should be a privilege to suffer as their Master did.

Acts 1: 12-14;

1 Peter 4: 13-16;

John 17: 1-11;

We're not very good at saying goodbye, and we're even worse at saying goodbye happily as we leave our lives on this earth, clinging ferociously to the safe world which we know, sometimes for our own sakes and out of fear of the future, sometimes out of a sense of responsibility for those we are leaving behind, worrying about how they'll cope.

In John's Gospel, five chapters, known as the great priestly prayer of Jesus, are devoted to His saying goodbye to His disciples. Today's Gospel sums up His teaching, as well as His care and concern for their future without Him. His aim is to convince them that His departure is for the best, because only that will release the Holy Spirit Who will empower them to carry the message of eternal life to a waiting world.

Like everyone else, Jesus prays for the things He wants, the things closest to His heart - His apostles, the infant Church and His teaching about a life of service. He places them in the care of His Father, knowing that they would face the same rejection as He had undergone throughout His life.

Two thousand years later, we haven't moved on that much: by and large, the world still rejects the message of Easter and salvation, the prince of this world still hates the King Who died on the cross.   But then, as now, Jesus prays for His little flock.  He assures them that they won't be left alone.   His Spirit, the Paraclete, will come upon them and give them the courage to face the future with confidence, no matter what.

Much like us, the apostles wanted to remain in their past, secure times, in their comfort zone with the Master. Our Easter season is now coming to its end, and we can't afford to live in the past either, whether that means that we haven't really adjusted to present-day life or because we can't free ourselves from unhappy memories.   Just remembering the past is different, for remembering it helps us  to  live  in and  for the present (those with Alzheimer's disease). 

The people of Israel remembered the dark times when they had been beyond the help of any human power, yet help had come from God.  They remembered the Exodus, and brought that remembrance into the present with their celebration of the Passover.  At the Last Supper, Jesus instituted the Eucharist, a new Passover, but much more that just a remembrance, where reality transforms bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ Himself.  And we experience that same reality today and every time we celebrate Mass together.

Instead of being the end chapter, it's the beginning of a whole new book without any ending! Continue with your Novena to the Holy Spirit, asking Him to continue to guide and bless the Church and its leaders.


As the disciples gathered together in prayer, so do we.  Still united with Mary the Mother of the Church, still united with the Church throughout the world, we gather at the end of our Easter season to pray with confidence for our own needs, as well as those of our world:-

1.     For the Church.  May She always be recognised as a sign and symbol of unity, holiness and hope, gathering together one flock under one Shepherd - Lord, hear us.

2.     For our world.  May those who govern countries do so in a way which treats everyone equally, especially those who are weakest and marginalised - Lord, hear us.

3.     For our young people, growing up in an ever more complex and stressful world.   Be close to them always, and may the love and good example of their families and friends, together with their
guardian angel, help keep them safe from all harm and danger - Lord, hear us.

4.      Let us pray also for harmony within our own families and parish community.   May we learn to live together in peace and mutual respect - Lord, hear us.

5.  Lift up into Your everlasting glory those who have died recently: Ann Gemmell and Maureen Dougherty, together with Bill Masteron and Catherine McCullagh, whose anniversaries occur about this time - Lord, hear us.

Loving Father, without Your love, we can so easily fall into doubt and despair.  Grant us the trust and courage we need to hope in the gift of glory which Your Son won for us on the cross.




Sixth Sunday of Easter