
Intro:  Today we celebrate the birthday of the Church as She draws Her first breath and begins Her commission to teach all nations by sharing the gospel message with them.   The same Holy Spirit
transforms our lives, and sends us out as missionaries of Christ to build up His body and further His Kingdom of love, justice and peace.

Readings: Acts  describes  the effect of the descent upon the gathered apostles. 

The early Christian communities were already splitting into factions. Paul reminds the Corinthians that the gift., of the Spirit are for the common good to be used in building up the body of Christ, the Church.

Acts 2: 1-11;

1 Corinthians 12: 3-7, 12-13;

John 20: 19-23;

The first sign of life in a newborn child is its first breath. From that moment, life is a constant learning curve; sometimes a very sharp learning curve. Do you remember when you learned to ride a bike (wasn't it worth the skinned knees), drive a car (wasn't it worth our parents' worries), ski (not worth the broken limbs) or some other newly acquired skill (computers .. facebook)?  We continue to learn new skills throughout our lives; and that means that we're not going to have a hassle-free time when attempting something unfamiliar or complicated. We need to make allowances for mistakes, give ourselves time to patiently acquire that newfound skill gradually.  

That's precisely what Jesus did with His own apostles - He didn't reprimand them for their shallowness of faith, or their cowardice in running away when He was arrested and needed their support.

Pentecost means fiftieth day; it's the birthday of the Church, because it's the day when the Church truly sprang into life, on fire with the power of the Spirit Who came to enliven and enlighten a group which had almost died. The mighty wind which had shaken the house in which the apostles were hiding soon calmed down, the tongues of fire which had hovered over their heads soon disappeared, but the Spirit remained with them and His Church.   He breathed new life into them, recharged their spirits, and filled them with courage for the task ahead. 

Now He's handed over the care of His Church to us, and we stumble along, sometimes pretty blindly, trying to do the will of God, and to see Him in other people who are doing the same as us with courage for the task ahead. Now it's up to us.

But we're learners, and we don't always make allowances for ourselves or others as we learn the biggest and most important lesson that will ever face us - how to live as fallible human beings in a society which isn't perfect.  Fortunately God sees our invisible L plates and makes excuses for us when we fall short of perfection. All He asks us to do is to try, and try again. And again!

Some day, we'll set out from Mass back to our families, our schools, our workplaces, to share the hope of our faith with others.  So can you share that faith with someone? If not, then pray for the gift of courage.  Do you have a difficult decision to make? Ask the Holy Spirit for the gift of wisdom.  Are you caring for someone who's sick, and finding life pretty impossible? Ask the Holy Spirit for the gift of understanding and patience.        

Pentecost is the moment when Jesus tells us to be at peace, however battered and bruised we may feel.  We're only learning to be like Him. God knows that, and makes allowances for us, sending us His Spirit of love and encouragement. You have a sense of responsibility now.  It's a grace given to you. Don't let it go for nothing - you can inspire others!


On this, the birthday of the Church, let us rejoice and be glad, while we pray for the help of the Spirit:-

1.     For the Church, the Body of Christ. Heal the wounds of sin and division which disfigure it, so that there may be one fold and one Shepherd - Lord, hear us.

2.      For peace in today's world.  May Your Holy Spirit encourage world leaders to bring peace, love, understanding, tolerance and justice, which only come when all sections of the community feel genuinely valued and accepted - Lord, hear us.

3.     For our young people.  May they grow up strong in their faith, with courage to face a world which holds so many values contrary to the teaching of the Gospel message - Lord, hear us.

4. For ourselves. Give us wisdom and understanding, together with the courage to appreciate and use the gifts given to us, in order to make the radical changes we need to in our own lives, and the lives of others, when You call - Lord, hear us.

5.    May Your Spirit of love bring John McCartney, Thomas Wylie, May McCambridge and Maureen Dougherty who have died recently, together with Margaret O'Hagan, Thomas Coughlan, Dan Hilferty, Tony McGinlay and Columba McPake, whose anniversaries occur about this time, into Your presence - Lord, hear us. 

Loving Father, give us the strength to change the things we can change, the courage to accept the things we can't, and the wisdom to know the difference.


Feast of the Holy Trinity


Seventh Sunday of Easter